Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Up and Running 2010

It's that time of year again! The community garden is officially up and running for the summer of 2010.

Last night, we met for the first time to begin turning our soil and we have added a few extra people this year!

So far, we have 8 family plots being utilized:
Moi - that's Myrna, Sarah, and baby-to-be
Melissa and family
Deidre with daughters Sarah and Sophia
Michelle and family
Kris and family
Stephanie and her little ones Emily, Aaron, and Heidi
Lynn and Phillip
Melanie with daughters Caileigh and Paige

Let's not forget our garden guru, Paula (and daughter, Hailey) who came out to get us set-up. She has a big garden of her own at home so will not be using a plot this year, but is helping the rest of us amateurs figure out what we should be doing. Thanks!

Considering this is only our 2nd year, the soil is actually looking pretty fantastic - well, except for all those weeds!!!

We plucked and pulled and dug and turned - even the little ones had lots of fun digging up worms and throwing dirt and, although nothing whatsoever to do with gardening, catching tadpoles in the stream out back!

And was I ever happy to find a cool breeze to keep the bugs away!

Now, we are ready for a truck-load of compost to fertilize our soil and we're ready to plant!

This year, we are hoping to include more of our seniors to garden with us.

To you, the Grandmas and Grandpas of our community,

You are the gardening experts! You know what it is to plant a garden, not purely for pleasure, but out of necessity. You have encountered every garden pest, every weed, and every weather pattern imagineable. You know what works best, what grows, what doesn't. You have always planted organically - throwing on crab shells and seaweed and wood chips for fertilizer! You have arthritis in your fingers and sunspots on your skin from your years of hard work. We would love to have you share in our garden experience to teach us what you have learned.

So come join us! Pretty pleeeease!